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MS Office Access

Ø  What is data?
Data is presentation of fact or information or information about a particular entity.
Ø  Database management system (DBMS).
A database is a calculation of data and object related to a topic or purpose. Within a database file we can divide pure data and store it in different table. EX:foxpro,database etc.

What is a Relational Database?

A relational database is a type of database. It uses a structure that allows us to identify and access data in relation to another piece of data in the database. Often, data in a relational database is organized into tables.
What is MS Office access?
MS Office Access is relation database management system (RDBMS). That we can use to store and manipulate large amount of information.

Ø  Full form of SQL:              Structured Query Language

Ø  The extension name of MS access 20016: .accdb

Ø  How to create database?             At first open MS Office access   click blank database(OR, go to file menuclick new)write database namecreate

Ø  How to create table?     Go to  create tabtableright click on table design view write table name OK write field namechoose datatypeCtrl+Wyes

How to open table?        Double click on table/ right click on tableview

Ø  How to open design view?          Right click on table design view

Ø  Data window
This window appears when we open an MS Office Access database or an MS Office Access project, it displays shortcuts for creation new database object and opening existing objects.

Ø  Design view window
Windows that shows the design of object, light table, queries, forms, reports etc. in design view, we can create new database object and modify the design of existing note.
Ø  Data sheet
This window display data from a table, query view all store procedure in a row and column format. In database view, we can edit fields and delete data and search for data.
Ø  Field
A field object represent a column of data with a column data with a column data type and common set of properties.
Data type of MS Office access
I.                     Short Text: Used for store alphanumeric data up to 255 characters.
II.                   Long Text: the memo data type hold up to 64000 text characters.
III.                 Number: any number can be stored.
IV.                Date/time: used to store date and time.
V.                  Currency: it is used for monitory value.
VI.                Auto number: a field which generate number automatically.
VII.               Yes/no: a vary compact data type, it is used for logical works.
VIII.             OLE objects: store ole (object linking and embedding) object graphics or other binary data.
IX.                 Hyperlink : these field hold hyper link address that jump websites, data base object or other files.
X.                  Lookup wizard: a look up field starts a wizard that places constraints on a field, on a query.
XI.                Attachment: we can attach images, spread sheet and other type of supported file to the record in our database. Attachment fields provide greater flexibility then ole object fields and they use storage place more efficiently.
  Concepts of different types of keys

Ø  Candidate key:
An attribute that uniquely identify a record/row, is called candidate key. Roll, E_ID, are that candidate key.
Ø  Primary key:
One or more field (column) whose value uniquely identify each record in a table. A primary key can not allow null value and must always have a unique index. A primary key used to related a table to foreign key in other table, (it is a candidate key whose value will not be at any record of the table in other word, it is the field of the value to identity the record is must not contain a null value)
Ø  Alternate key:
If there are multiple candidate keys in the table then the candidate keys that are not chose as primary key. This field may contain a null value.
Ø  Foreign key:
One or more field (column)  that refer to the primary key field in another table. A foreign key indicate how the tables one related (it is a primary key of one table is available as an attribute in another table is called as foreign key).

Ø  How to rename table?  Right click on tablerenamewrite new nameclick outside

Ø  How to delete a table?  Right click on tabledelete yes

Ø  How to remove primary key?     Go to table design viewright click on primary key fieldprimary key


Ø  How to set look up wizard data type?    Select look up wizard data type in table design view → it will open a wizard windowthen click I will type in the values that I want →Insert course names → next finish

Ø  How to insert hyperlink data type?         Open tableright click on hyper link data type cellhyper linkedit hyperlinkselect your file OK

Ø  How to show hyper link data?   Click hyperlink data yes

Ø  How to insert OLE Object data?                 Open tableright click on OLE Object datatype cellinsert objectcreate from filebrows select picture/any fileOKOK

Ø  How to show OLE Object data?                 Double click on OLE Object data / right click on OLE Object datapackage objectactive contents

Ø  How to insert attachment data type?     Open tableright click on attachmentdatatype cell manage attachmentadd select fileopen OK

Ø  How to show attachment data?                                Double click on attachment dataselect file name open

Ø  Relationship:     3 types of relationship i)one to one ii)one to many iii)many to many

One to one:        at first create two tablesclose all tables(do not write any data in table)go to database toolsrelationshipselect table from show tableadd closedrag the parent table(students) primary key field(S_No) to child table(results) primary key field(S_No)check on three check box 


(do not write in child table, fill up child table by clicking ‘+’ sign in parent table)
Ø  One to many:
Ø  Many to many:

Ø  Input marks: go to table design viewselect field namego to field propertiesclick input markswrite your marks          EX.-  Reg no:-    input marks:"333-2353"9999

Note:    9 for number only, a for text only

Ø  Validation rule:      go to table design viewselect field namego to field propertiesclick validation rulewrite your criteriaclick validation textwrite your text EX.-  Roll:-    validation rule:>=0 and <=20                validation text: "write your text up to 20"

Ø  How to import MS Office access database in your own  database?              Go to external data tabclick access under import & link  group click browsselect any databaseopen OKselect any tableOKclose

Ø  How to import excel file in your own database?                At first create a file in excelgo to external data tab in MS Office accessclick excelbrowsselect your excel fileopenOKnext nextnextclick no primary keywrite table name  finish close

Ø  How to import text file in your own database?  At first go to note padwrite your dataseparate each data with coma(tab/semicolon/coma/space) go  to external data tab inn MS Office Access  click text file under import & link groupbrowsselect your fileopen OKclick delimited-character such as coma or tab   each fieldnext click comafirst row content field names next  nextclick no primary key nextfinish close

Ø  How to export your database table in excel?      At first select your tablego to external data tabclick excel under export groupOKclose


Ø  Form design:    

at first   create a blank tabledo not wrte any data in tablego to create tabclick form designclick add existing fieldsselect your tabledouble click in your field nameclick button under controlsselect button in your design areaselect category under command button wizardselect actionnext select text/picfinishCtrl+Wwrite form nameOK

Ø  Query :                 query is a process to search or modify of any information of any criteria from a table
Ø  Types of query:
o   Select query
o   Action query: types of action query
§  Update query
§  Make table query
§  Delete query
§  Append query
o   Parameter query
o   Aggregate query

Press Ctrl+Wyes

Ø  How to open query design?     At first click create tabclick query design under queries groupselect table nameclick addclose

Select query

Ø  How to create select query?       At first click create tabclick   query designselect your table nameaddclose

run yesquery name

Ø  Create query when student name start with A(name) or address=lalbag:              at first click create tabclick query designselect your table nameaddclose

run yesquery name

Ø  Display five character in name or address <>berhampore:          

at first click create tabclick query designselect your table nameaddcloserun yesquery name

Ø  Display all student’s name address where roll 1 to 3:     

Ø  Display all student’s name, roll ,address whose name start with B:
Ø  Display all student’s name, roll ,address whose name start with B and 5 characters:
Update query

Go to create tabclick query designselect table(salary)add closeclick update query
run → yesquery name

Ø  Change department name ACC to ACCT:

Ø  Update query using iif: 

Go to create tabclick query designselect tableadd →closeclick update query add your field(Connection)
Update to: IIF([Phone_number] like "34*","land", IIF([Phone_number] like "99*","airtel", IIF([Phone_number] like "93*","reliance", IIF([Phone_number] like "97*","vodafone"))))

Make table query
Go to create tabclick query design closeclick make table query write your new
table nameOK
Ctrl+Wyesquery name

Delete query
Ø  Go to create tabclick query designselect table(salary)add closeclick delete query
  Ctrl+Wyesquery name

Append query
Append query uses To shifting data one table to another table

at first create two table (do not enter data in second table) go to create tabclick query designselect your first table(student2) from show tableadd closeadd your field nameclick append queryselect second table name(bappa1)OKselect field name from append to drop down boxOKRun(and save the query)

Parameter query

Create a parameter query

Creating a parameter is similar to adding a normal criterion to a query:
1. Create a select query, and then open the query in Design view.

2. In the Criteria row of the field you want to apply a parameter to, enter the text that you want to display in the parameter box, enclosed in square brackets. For example, [Enter the start date:]
3. Repeat step 2 for each field you want to add parameters to.
When you run the query, the prompt appears without the square brackets.
Fill in the value you’re looking for, and then click OK.

You can use multiple parameters in a criterion. For example, Between [Enter the start date:] And [Enter the end date:] will generate two prompts when you run the query.

 Create a select query, and then open the query in Design view.
In the Criteria row of the field you want to add a parameter to, type Like "*"&[, the text that you want to use as a prompt, and then ]&"*".
When you run the parameter query, the prompt appears in the dialog box without the square brackets, and without the Like keyword or wildcard characters:

Aggregate query

 Cross tab:           at first click create tabclick query designselect your table nameaddcloseclick cross tab


Ø  SQL View:           at first click create tabclick query designcloseclick SQL view

Create Table [EMP] ([Roll] text,[Name] text);       Run
